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The pholosophy of l. d. 81
LO Scorm
The Legislative System
LO Scorm
Composition of the legislative decree n° 81 of 9 April 2008
LO Scorm
Technical Standards
LO Scorm
The Pubblic Prevention System
LO Scorm
Safety Stakeholders
LO Scorm
The Delegation of Functions
LO Scorm
Civil and Criminal Liability of Managers
LO Scorm
Legislative Decree n 231_01 and workplace safety
LO Scorm
Company Qualification Systems
LO Scorm
Handout - Module 1
Final Test - Module 1
Minimum score for passing the test: 7/10
Time available: 1h
Maximum attempts for final test: 5
Test failed? Check the answer cliking on "test", panel "archivio" (double click on the attempt or on button "Stampa").
Check the handouts before re-attempting the test
Out of attempts? Contact the training center that provided your registration.
Organization and management models
LO Scorm
Technical-Administrative organization
LO Scorm
- Safety signs
- UNI EN ISO 7010
LO Scorm
- Emergencies definition
- Major emergencies
LO Scorm
- Fire
LO Scorm
Firse_aid_organisational procedures
- Healt Emergencies
- First aid staff
- Duties of officers
- Equipment
LO Scorm
Supervising executives
LO Scorm
Prevention and protection service manager and officer
LO Scorm
Handout - Module 2
Final test - Module 2
Minimum score for passing the test: 7/10
Time available: 1h
Maximum attempts for final test: 5
Test failed? Check the answer cliking on "test", panel "archivio" (double click on the attempt or on button "Stampa").
Check the handouts before re-attempting the test
Out of attempts? Contact the training center that provided your registration.
The perception of the risk
LO Scorm
Risk assessment
LO Scorm
Risk assessment document
LO Scorm
Interference risk assessment document and management of contracts
LO Scorm
Precautionary principle
LO Scorm
Psychosocial risks
- Psychosocial risks
- Physical and mental integrity
- Stress
- Prevention
LO Scorm
Work Environment
LO Scorm
Display Screen
- Right and wrong postures
- The desk
- The personal Computer
- Ergonomics
- Lighting
LO Scorm
Office Pathology
LO Scorm
Manual Handling
- Manual handling
- Harmful Effects
- Proper procedure
LO Scorm
Electrical Hazzard
- Helectrical Hazards
- Helectrical circuit
- Harmful effects on human body
- Electrocution
LO Scorm
LO Scorm
• Workers categories
• Workers’ responsibilities and duties
• Workers’ sanctions
• Individual workers and family businesses
• Workers’ role when managing emergencies
• Workers’ rights
LO Scorm
Chemical risk
LO Scorm
LO Scorm
Biological Risks
LO Scorm
Physical Risk
LO Scorm
Accidents and near miss injuries
- Risk assessment
- Near Miss
LO Scorm
Commuting accident
- Violent cause
- Recoverability injury
LO Scorm
Alcol and drugs
- Alcoholic beverages
- Alchol and workplace
- Drugs and workplace
LO Scorm
Individual protection devices
• Collective and individual protection devices
• Norm we must refer to
• Types of DPI
• DPI assessment
• Safety/Warning signs
LO Scorm
Health surveillance
LO Scorm
Handout - Module 3
Final test - Module 3
Minimum score for passing the test: 7/10
Time available: 1h
Maximum attempts for final test: 5
Test failed? Check the answer cliking on "test", panel "archivio" (double click on the attempt or on button "Stampa").
Check the handouts before re-attempting the test
Out of attempts? Contact the training center that provided your registration.
Information, theoterical and pratical training
LO Scorm
Basic elements of communications
LO Scorm
Group dinamics
LO Scorm
LO Scorm
Workers' safety representative
LO Scorm
Appointment of the workers' safety representative
LO Scorm
Handouts - Module 4
Final test - Module 4
Minimum score for passing the test: 7/10
Time available: 1h
Maximum attempts for final test: 5
Test failed? Check the answer cliking on "test", panel "archivio" (double click on the attempt or on button "Stampa").
Check the handouts before re-attempting the test
Out of attempts? Contact the training center that provided your registration.
The training path offered by Aifos aims to convey to the executives the basis of a "culture of safety at work” apart from that of fulfilling the merely formal obligations stated by law.
Each participant will recive a certificate, after having successfully passed the final test, pursuant to the State-Regions Agreement 07/07/2016.
EUR 200,00 + IVA
Volete contattarci? |
+39 3383927624 |
via Fieramosca, 3 - Riccione, Rimini (Italia) |
A&T progetta e realizza corsi di formazione nel settore ambientale e nella Sicurezza sul Lavoro che permettano la crescita e l'aggiornamento delle risorse umane soprattutto a tutela e nel rispetto dell'ambiente in generale e dei luoghi di lavoro.
L'utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie disponibili nella gestione e tutela dell'ambiente e della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, sono l'obiettivo primario di A&T.